Canongate Kirk – Pipe Organ – Positioned in the Gallery. Built in 1998 by Th Frobenius & Sonner of Denmark – Op. 1000
Click on the links below to listen to pieces written by Helen Leach and played by Simon Leach, our organist, on the organ at Canongate Kirk.
Prelude for a Royal Swan was written to mark the 70th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne of Queen Elizabeth II, and was first played at the Canongate Kirk service that historic morning, 6th February, 2022. Composed at the outset of lockdown in 2020 in the outhouse of our cottage in Hawick, The Black Rood of Scotland, a musical meditation on St Margaret’s priceless treasure, was first played for the Canongate Kirk Remembrance Service that year. An Edinburgh Farewell pays homage to the late Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and was composed especially for his Memorial Service held at Canongate Kirk Sunday 18th April, 2021. Voicing the urgent need for good stewardship of the planet, The Call to Care for Creation was composed in September 2022 and dedicated to the new monarch, King Charles III, one of the most devoted ambassadors for this all-important cause.
More organ pieces
Click on the links below to listen to pieces performed on the Frobenuis organ by David Goodenough, our former organist at Canongate Kirk.
Prelude and Fugue in C Major BWV 545
Trio Sonata No.1 in E flat Major, BWV525 First Movement
Trio Sonata No.1 in E flat Major, BWV525 Second Movement
Trio Sonata No.1 in E flat Major, BWV525 Third Movement
Three Chorale Preludes for Advent and Christmas, from Das Orgelbüchlein:
i. Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes Sohn, BWV601
ii.Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich, BWV605
iii.Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich herr, BWV606
Toccata and Fugue in D minor (‘Dorian’), BWV538
The Organ was specially designed for Canongate Kirk as a memorial to the Very Reverend Doctor Ronald Selby Wright, the much loved Minister of Canongate from 1937-1977. It was built by the Th. Frobenius & Sønner, Orgelbyggeri A/S of Denmark, a firm well known in the organ world for meticulous craftsmanship and lyrical sound. The Canongate organ is their 1000th instrument, and the first Frobenius in Scotland. The instrument is a two manual tracker action instrument with 20 stops, 3 couplers and tremulant. There are no pistons or general registration aids.
Great | C-g’’’ | Positiv | C-g’’’ | Pedal | C-f’ |
Principal | 8’ | Fugara | 8’ | Subbas | 16’ |
Rohrflute | 8’ | Gedeckt | 8’ | Hohlflute | 8’ |
Octave | 4’ | Celeste | 8’ | Principal | 8’ |
Gedeckflute | 4’ | Waldflute | 4’ | Basun | 16’ |
Quint | 2 2/3’ | Flute | 2’ | ||
Octave | 2’ | Quint | 1 1/3’ | ||
Mixtur | IV | Sesquialtera | II | ||
Trompet | 8’ | Obo | 8’ | ||
Tremulant | Variable Speed and Depth | ||||
Couplers | Gt/Ped | Pos/Ped | Gt + Pos |
Pipes: |
Inscriptions: |
Great Organ = 616 pipes = 8 stops (11 Ranks) |
On the case: Lauda Dominum Praise the Lord |
Positiv (Swell) = 505 pipes = 8 stops (9 Ranks) |
Deus magnus Dominus God the Lord is great |
Pedal = 120 pipes = 4 stops |
Lauda Deum Praise God |
Total = 1241 pipes |
Pitch = A440 cone tuned at equal temperament. |
Mahogany case
Oak console, bench and pedals
Yellow pine trackers
Cedarwood and leather pallets
Padouk wood reed heads
Pipes of Tin, Copper or Mahogany
Brass and aluminium metal work
Naturals of mammoth tusk ivory
Sharps of ebony
Draw stops of mammoth and ebony
Gold leaf inscription lettering
Swell shutters constructed of two mahogany panels with a lead sheet core.
The instrument has been recorded several times, most recently by the Edinburgh Society of Organists for their ‘Organs of Edinburgh’ CD book (Delphian) which can be ordered at: http://edinburghorganists.org.
Other recordings of the instrument include:
- Complete Organ Works of Johann Krebs – Vol 1 – John Kitchen – Priory
- Pachelbel: Organ Works Vol.2 – Matthew Owens – Delphian
- JS Bach – Organ Works at Canongate Kirk – David Hamilton – Divine Arts
The inaugural concert was given on 16th November 1998 by Dr. John Kitchen, Senior Lecturer in Music at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Organist, The City of Edinburgh Organist and Director of Music at Old Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church Edinburgh.