August 8, 2013
Ludus Baroque chamber orchestra and choir J. S. Bach’s B Minor Mass, Director Richard Neville-Towle featuring four of the UK’s most charismatic young soloists; Mary Bevan soprano, Tim Mead counter tenor, Anthony Gregory tenor, William Berger baritone.
‘this exuberant performance moves and inspires’ (Classic FM magazine)
We are delighted to be reunited with our four stellar soloist-friends for this year’s festival performance of J. S. Bach’s magnificent B minor Mass. The chorus, which has been handpicked for this performance from Britain’s finest early music consorts, comprises a sensational selection of singers from the Monteverdi Choir, The Sixteen, Polyphony, Dunedin Consort and the Gabrieli and King’s Consorts. A large-scale ensemble of superb instrumentalists bring an authenticity to the 15-year-old Ludus Baroque, combining splendidly gutsy gut strings, colourful woodwind, soaring brass and tightly honed timpani.
Tickets £14-£16 from 0131 668 2019 and www.thequeenshall.net
www.ludusbaroque.co.uk SC024893 Supported by Dunard Fund