Support Us

If you would like to help support the work of Canongate Kirk, we would be glad to hear from you. Please e- mail the Kirk Office at [email protected] or write to The Treasurer, c/o Canongate Kirk Office, 95 Canongate, Edinburgh EH8 8BR, for details on how to donate by cheque, standing order or electronic transfer. If you are a UK tax payer you might like to consider GIFT AID, by which we can claim a further percentage at no extra cost to yourself. We can supply you with a form for that too.

It has been estimated that it costs approximately £500 a day to run Canongate Kirk. This includes obvious expenditure like heating and lighting and maintenance, and less obvious expenses like salaries and insurance. We receive no financial support from the Church of Scotland or any other agency and rely entirely on the generosity of our congregation-members, visitors and friends to help us meet all our financial commitments.

We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in anticipation for your support. It is vital to our ongoing work and witness on and around the Royal Mile, and very much appreciated.

With all good wishes, and every blessing

Neil Gardner










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